
Joining RSCM New Zealand

The Royal School of Church Music is a worldwide charity which promotes the study, practice and improvement of music in worship through courses, events and instructional material/music.

Membership of RSCM New Zealand is provided through branches of RSCMNZ.

Benefits of membership include:

  • fellowship with other members of RSCMNZ
  • Church Music Quarterly (CMQ) magazine
  • Sunday by Sunday (lectionary and hymnody advice)
  • daytime and residential workshops (local or inter-country)
  • opportunities to support education of members
  • music resources at discounted prices

Levels of Membership

Affiliate: Group membership of parishes, schools, choirs etc. The affiliate pays one annual subscription and has all privileges

Individual: Individual membership with all privileges

Friend: Individual supportive membership with selected privileges

Some branches have additional other levels of membership:
Waikato: Noters: Receive a copy of the Branch newsletter “Waikato Notes” only.
Wellington: Correspondents: Receive information about events only.

Subscriptions vary depending on the level of membership and the Branch.

Contact your local Branch below for more details…

Ask about membership

To enquire about membership, please complete the form below and click the “Send” button.  You will be contacted by the appropriate Branch of RSCMNZ.