Voice for Life

The RSCM Voice for Life training scheme provides a framework for choral singers to develop their vocal skills, their musical understanding and their knowledge of repertoire, achieve awards, and much more.

How it works

Click to read details of the Voice for Life scheme

The RSCM Voice for Life training scheme is founded on a series of coloured ribbons which denote increasing levels of musical understanding and ability.  The choir teacher is responsible for passing the chorister at each level on completion of the relevant requirements.

There are medals that can be gained at the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels by examination.


There are five levels in Voice for Life –

  • White
  • Light Blue
  • Dark Blue
  • Red
  • Yellow

These provide training for singers of all ages and abilities from beginner to advanced. All singers will work through the same levels, although in some cases experienced singers may not need to start the scheme at the beginning.

Voice for Life at each level is divided into five modules. Each explores a particular aspect of choral singing. Throughout the scheme, singers work on all modules, developing a range of skills simultaneously. The modules are as follows:

  • Module A: Using the voice well addresses good vocal technique.
  • Module B: Musical skills and understanding develops singers’ knowledge of theory and notation, and encourages them to demonstrate this through sight-reading and aural skills.
  • Module C: Repertoire helps singers to understand the musical and historical contexts of the music they sing.
  • Module D: Belonging to the choir explores what it means to be part of a choir, addressing issues such as commitment, punctuality and responsibility.
  • Module E: Choir in context explores how the choir interacts with its surroundings and the wider community.

Resources for Voice for Life

You can purchase all the necessary resources for operating the Voice for Life programme from the RSCM Online Shop.

NZ Voice for Life Contacts

NZ Administrator of Voice for Life:
Paul Ellis
ph 03 337 3370

NZ Voice for Life Examiners:
Anita Banbury (Auckland)
Jill Kerr (Christchurch)

Examination times and places are arranged by mutual agreement


There are three internationally standardised and validated examinations available.

The bronze, silver and gold awards are supplementary and not compulsory

To sit bronze award you must have passed the dark blue ribbon level

To sit silver award you need to have passed the red ribbon level.

To sit gold award you need to have a good pass in silver and have achieved success in previous levels. Gold is the pinnacle of success.